Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The perfect lady

When people ask me to be myself, I wonder if they really know who I am and what I am capable of.  I am manipulative, selfish and would generally not help anyone if unsure they would be of any use to me. Impatience defines me, and really I have no qualms detaching myself from people when I find them irrelevant to me.

So imagine how grateful I am that the Holy Spirit resides in me and helps me be more like Christ. Seriously. I really can’t be Christ-like without Him. The first thing was to take a self-assessment (which obviously I did and that’s how I know to tell you all of the above).

Secondly, I have determined that if I really want to be Christ-like, I need to understand what that even means. It isn’t being a pushover on whom people would spit and I would say thank you.  I find that it is having the confident knowledge that God lives in me and still put on the nature of a servant to serve others (not to my advantage, but that they may profit).

Philippians 2: 5-8 aptly describes Christ-likeness “Think of yourselves the way Christ Jesus thought of himself. He had equal status with God but didn’t think so much of himself that he had to cling to the advantages of that status no matter what…” (MSG).

Thirdly, it is a conscious effort. I don’t just talk about being Christ-like. I think about it. I study it. I live it with His help. I fall, dust myself up and tell myself “He has to shine through me.”.

I am not going to speak ‘Christianese’ and say, “ I am not perfect, I make mistakes”. I am perfect, and not by your standards but by His. I make mistakes but I am perfect because He said so. When I accepted Him, He made me perfect and told me in Matthew 5:48 to be perfect like my Father. And we all know that whatever He speaks comes to life.

The point is this: You cannot be like Him without Him and He won’t force you to. He is the perfect gentleman and would only work on transforming you if you totally let go of you and let Him take over.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Book Review- Nearing Home: Life, Faith, and Finishing Well

Billy Graham is a world renowned Preacher/Teacher/Evangelist and receiving this book was cherry on the cake.

It is a book about how to live life in one's old age...but really, we all need to learn how to enjoy our lives as it is, how to make improvements and how things should be put in the right perspective.

He shares the difficulties he has encountered in his old age, especially after losing his wife. He states the importance of having a proper relationship with God and relying on Him completely while wisely planning early for your retirement.