Thursday, May 5, 2011

Max on Life

Max Lucado is a prolific writer who has written more than 50 books. He was named as the best preacher in America by Reader’s Digest. His books are frequently listed on the New York bestseller’s list.

His new book, “Max on life” is a compendium of the numerous questions he has received over time. He answers the questions from a biblical point of view and this provides an excellent reference point for anyone troubled about some aspects of life.

The book is written in an ‘easy-to-read’ format and one can go to any question without necessarily referring to the previous chapters. The most interesting feature of the book is the question and answer format. Although some of the questions may seem trivial, it would amaze the reader to no end that such seemingly trivial questions are those prominent on a lot of people’s minds.

The book has 7 themes containing 30 questions each. The themes are
a.   Hope
b.   Hurt
c.    Help
d.   Him/ Her
e.   Home
f.     Haves/Have-Nots
g.   Hereafter

This book is a must read for young Christians and people seeking moral/biblical answers to a wide range of questions.

NB: Please note that I freely received this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I am under no obligation whatsoever to write a favorable review. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lies the Government told you. (Myth, Power and Deception in American History)

Andrew Napolitano is a former New Jersey Superior Court Judge and a Senior Judicial analyst for Fox news Channel. He is an alumnus of Princeton University and the Notre Dame Law School.

This book makes you ask the pertinent question: ‘Why have Americans ignorantly accepted certain situations as the norm?’ The author makes us realize that these lies have been accepted by one generation and passed down as the truth. For example, He makes us realize that Lincoln’s paramount objective in the struggle for the emancipation of slaves was simply to save the Union.

 On page 26, the author says ‘Americans are under the impression that obeying the Constitution is part of the Government’s job’. As you read further, you would realize that this is not the case. Lie#6 explains to us that although the constitution of the United States provides that “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”, the government creates new laws that regulate and limit access to firearms.

The author itemizes 16 lies and the government has told us and as a non-American, I can relate.
I found this book a pleasure to read as it was not only informative but it was based on facts and the author provided references for his postulations. His book is not written for just Americans, but also citizens of other nations who have misgivings about their government.

NB: Please note that I freely received this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I am under no obligation whatsoever to write a favorable review.